Allergies: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), allergies are one of the most common medical problems in the United States, affecting nearly half of the population at some point in their lives (CDC). No matter what season you're in, your allergies can flare up at any year. To help yourself feel better and reduce allergy symptoms, it's important to understand what allergies are and how they occur.

Allergies are hypersensitive reactions to foreign substances, like pollen or animal dander, that enter the body through the respiratory system or skin. You're likely well aware of the symptoms of allergies, like sneezing, watery eyes, and itchiness, but did you know that these common allergens can also cause wheezing gastrointestinal problems or even anaphylaxis? In this article about allergies (also known as allergic rhinitis), we'll discuss the nature of allergies and their possible triggers so you can better treat your condition.

Tips to Help Allergy Sufferers

Unfortunately, there's no cure for allergies—not yet anyway. But that doesn't mean you have to suffer through sneezing and watery eyes. The good news is that you can do things at home that may help alleviate some of your symptoms. Here are a few suggestions.

The word allergy tends to bring to mind runny noses, itchy eyes, sneezing, and an overall scratchy feeling that makes you wish you could stay in bed all day and watch reruns of your favorite TV show. If this sounds like you, or someone you know, then an allergy may cause these symptoms. The most common types of allergies are inhalant allergies, food allergies, and reactions to medications. This article will look at each type of allergy and how you can manage your condition.

Part 1 - Learn The Facts

Your body is full of tiny glands that produce chemicals called antibodies. These antibodies protect you from bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and foreign particles in your body. When you contact something your body perceives as dangerous, it will start producing antibodies to fight against it. Sometimes these antibodies will become confused by things that should not pose a threat. Common allergens include pollen from trees or grasses, dust mites, or mold spores.

Part 2 - Treatment Options

There are many different options for allergy treatment, so you must understand your choices before beginning any allergy treatment. Some allergy medications require a prescription from your doctor, but there are also several over-the-counter (OTC) treatments you can use to treat allergies at home. OTC treatments for allergies include nasal sprays and eye drops. In rare cases where allergies interfere with daily life, immunotherapy (allergy shots) may be necessary to help control symptoms long-term.

Part 3 - Tips For Living With An Allergy

Of course, even if you know what kind of allergy you have and how it affects your body, that doesn't mean you have everything under control. Countless things in our world can trigger allergies, including dust mites, mold spores, pet dander—the list goes on. Of course, there are several ways to combat your allergies. Here are a few tips for living with allergies

Part 4 - Nutrition Suggestions for Allergy Sufferers

A healthy diet is incredibly important in managing allergies. What you eat can significantly impact symptoms. Since your body reacts to foods differently than most people's bodies, focusing on a high-quality diet with quality ingredients will help you feel better and avoid unnecessary inflammation. Consider these allergy-friendly nutrition tips for better digestion, lower inflammation levels, healthier skin cells, and improved weight management.

Part 5 - Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Everyone's heard of allergy medication, but some prefer more natural remedies like over-the-counter cold tablets or homeopathic solutions. It's important to know your options for treating allergies; try a few different treatments to see what works best. And always be sure you talk with your doctor before taking any medications, even if they are natural. Here are some of the most common remedies for seasonal allergies.

Part 6 - Helpful Hints

There are several helpful hints regarding allergies that may make your life easier. For example, if you are an allergy sufferer, you can purchase medicated sprays online and allergy medications like Benadryl. Certain foods may also help ease your allergies; honey can sometimes be a good addition if you need some relief. Many people who suffer from food allergies will avoid these foods altogether. However, certain honey products can help provide some relief. These are just some of many helpful hints available to those with severe food allergies and other common medical problems like asthma or even hay fever...

Part 7 - The Misdiagnosis Issue

1 in 3 People Are Mistakenly Diagnosed with Mental Illness in Their Lifetime. Here's How To Avoid It.

Part 8 - How To Help Children Cope with Their Sensitivities

The Importance of Teaching Your Children How To Cope With Their Sensitivities In an ideal world, every parent would like their child to be able to accept their sensitivities. The truth is that many children struggle with taking how they were born. As a parent, you may feel somewhat torn about what you should tell your child because while you want them to accept their special gifts of heightened sensitivity and pick up on things, others don't realize; you also do not want them exposed unnecessarily to unnecessary dangers. First and foremost, it is your job as a parent to help them cope with what they are experiencing by teaching them ways of protection.
